Saturday, April 17, 2010

My sanctuary...the shower

I love to write. Granted I may not be very good at it, but I love to conjure up thoughts in my head and figure out how to elaborate and describe my feelings on paper (or in this case a blog). We all have one place that we do our best thinking in. Some of us in the car, in bed, a special room in the house, or on the toliet ( trust me I've thought of something on the toliet and realized 15 mins later that my business with the toliet was done but I was still sitting there because I was thinking or day dreaming about something). What ever your place is, that is the place you feel safe in, when you mind can just wonder off and fall into a world of bravery and imagination. It's like The lion, the witch, and the wardrobe only there is no actual destination that we disapper to, just a place in our minds. My wardrobe is the shower. This is the place that I think of personal issues, political issues, my bucket list, on few occasions I drift into thoughts of pregnancy ( due to my heart condition I am not able to have children), I stick out my belly and imagine, "ohh this is how I would look if I were 5 mths pregnant. I wonder now being single after 7 1/2 years how would another guy react to all the scarring on my chest. I usually poke at the 4 holes I have on my chest were tubes were inserted, poke my pacemaker or run my finger down the foot and 1/2 pink wrinkly scar.

While the water falls from the shower head, I sometimes think of quick comebacks that I want to say to my ex-boyfriend or speeches that I might one day say to him on how he made me feel when we were once in love. I would say that I love you but I know now that I was not strong enough to be in your shadow. I needed to live my life not trail behind someones footsteps. I understand that we both have endeavors and goals and dreams we want to accomplish but you have to take a breath and step back and enjoy life sometimes. What's the point in trying to reach these goals if you can't stand back and realize how far you have come and see how much beauty is right before your eyes. Open your eyes I'd tell him look at the beauty that you are missing. I imagine that after given my brave speech he realize "wow what a beautiful creature in front of me and I let her go." Of course this is not a movie it is reality and these made up scenarios will never come true.

I hope everyone has a place like this somewhere in their lives. A place that you can think freely without interruption even if it's for 10 mins. Make a place, make the time to free your mind from all the troubles in your life, these troubles aren't going anywhere but the beauty of life will pass you by. Happy daydreaming!!

1 comment:

  1. I think everyone does have a special personal place. My showers are typically quick and lack any depth of consciousness. I typically use the minutes before falling asleep as my little place to think about things to come. Keep writing and if you get a chance, visit my blog sometime. PS: both of my parents went to EIU.
